QUARONA – Lago di Sant’Agostino
Sentiero n. 624 Lago di Sant’Agostino
Difficulty: EASY
average duration: 1 HOUR
departure altitude: 406 mt
arrival altitude: 492 mt
altitude difference: 86 mt
Route description
The trail begins in the village of Quarona, 406m, more precisely near the Chapel of the Blessed Panacea located on Via Lanzio. You turn left and flank the Prato della Valle. You reach the road that enters the “fossil” valley between Mount Tucri and Poggio Roncacci and Pianale. (On the left you can see the climbing wall “Falesia del Laghetto”).
You leave Cascina Barone on the left and Mount Tucri Route 732 on the right to reach the bottom of the little valley, where there is the lower resurgence of lake waters. Continue up a steep scree slope, and reach the point where a large boulder known as “Sass dij Strij e d’Ava Corna” is visible. , witche’s stone and water gushing from the boulder, under which the upper resurgence of the lake flows out.
We continue on the trail until we reach St. Augustine’s Lake, also known as the “Toad Lake.” In fact, the time when the toads “meet” in the waters of the lake for mating (usually in the weeks before Easter), attracts several visitors!
Wanting to continue further, from the trailhead at the lake, keeping to the left, route 624a starts, which on the west shore climbs to the few remains of the Castello d’Arian and then descends to the opposite end of the lake.
Coasting to the right along the reflecting pool first on a scree, then in the woods, you can reach St. Augustine’s Chapel, 510m, where a picnic area has been set up. With a stretch in common with this route, you descend following the comfortable paved mule track to Roccapietra, 440m.
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